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Monday, September 05, 2005

John Roberts...chief justice? Oh Holy crap....

I guess Bush "hired from outside". Well, at least Pat Robertson got his prayer answered. You remember his prayer to the Almighty for "more openings on the Supreme Court". Thing is, to get more openings on the Court, someone usually has to die, or become so ill they retire. That Pat, trying to pack heaven...litterally.
Well, all I can say is the only way Republicans will support Abortion rights is by paying for the abortion!! While we are on the subject of whether embroys are babies, etc. Why don't all you conservative, pro-lifers, go to your nearest fertility clinic (who destroy just as many embroys as abortion doctors by the way) and offer up your fertile uterus. That is right. Lets have a pro-life movement, where all you right-winged nut jobs out there go and get fertilized....Why not, they are life and deserve a chance to life.....oh, i forget fertility clinics make lots of $$ and mostly better off patients are their clients. It isn't like Medicaid pays for it.
I don't agree that Abortion is the Right thing to do, but sometimes it is a choice. A decision that is the hardest to make. But it is the woman's right to make that decision. And regardless of what the goverment says, they will happen....aka Back Alley Abortions. Keep them legal to keep them safe.


At Monday, September 05, 2005 5:30:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right. I mean Correct.
This country is turning Topsy-Turvy and no one is watching. 06 is the year of the Democratic congress and 08 the first female president.

At Monday, September 05, 2005 5:31:00 PM, Blogger Shelly said...

Thanks for your comment. The only thing I can say is "Hill on The Hill" !!!!! And please bring Bill with you....
(I love the Clintons!)

At Wednesday, September 07, 2005 4:35:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay the last paragraph was so rude, but so correct. You are the Kathy Griffen of the blog-o-sphere. Just open mouth and hope for the best.


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