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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Ahh the Smell of Hypocrisy...

I love it !!! Conservative bloggers say I spew hate...(which I don't) and they wouldn't stoop to my level by posting on my blog..yet they continue to pop up like boils on the butt of humanity. But I have nothing but love for their Bullshit. In fact, I respect anyone who is passionate enough about something to stand up for it.
So post all you want...spew forth your vomit of hypocrisy...i am a strong enough person to take it.


At Tuesday, November 15, 2005 3:47:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it when I go to THEIR blogs and they are ripping on you Shell. You are so funny and sweet that they would probably not even realize if they met you in public that you were a pit bull liberal.
Keep it up girl. I like you alot.

At Tuesday, November 15, 2005 3:52:00 PM, Blogger Shelly said...

Ah, gee thank you anony...I try to be nice on their blogs but engage them in debate, it doesn't always work out that way...

At Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:30:00 AM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

You claim you don't spew hate but you use language that at best can be termed angry. Either you and your peers lack the language skills to articulate yourselves politely, without resorting to profanity and insults, or you is what you is.

For example, you just wrote:
• pop up like boils on the butt of humanity.
• love for their Bullshit.
• spew forth your vomit of hypocrisy

Sounds like hate speech to me, Shelly. Not very intellectual thinking is it?

I've read posts here and elsewhere by you and your peers filled with some of the most vile dribble. One only needs to goto Helen Wheels or Grandpa Eddie to experience the liberal hate speech in it's vilest form. Sites where you've participated in the conservative hate dog piling on. You've even attacked the Bush twins as, "too drunk to be in fatigues...", or "I don't want those two dumbasses in the military!". Really embarrassing, Shelly. What did they do to you or your cause to deserve those insults? They're not involved in politics.

I think its your frustrations with real facts, those that decimate liberal falsehoods, seems to cause you and your comrades the most angst. I suppose I can understand your frustrations. I would stoop to profanity and gutter language too if I followed a failed political philosophy. But over @ EH all I get from "you" people is vulgar one liners or paste and clips from discredited hack partisan sites. It got so bad I had to setup Blogger's Moderate Comments so I could intercept the more obnoxious, insulting comments.

So if you smell something foul, Shelly, perhaps it's you who should shower. Let's just see how strong you are to consider a little introspection. You are what you speak.

(BTW. Good stuff.)

At Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:35:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see too much hate here. I see things that any GOPer would disagree with but nothing that I'd cry "hate" about.

At Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:45:00 AM, Blogger Shelly said...

EH loves me and he knows it.

At Wednesday, November 16, 2005 10:48:00 AM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

Way to avoid the debate, Shelly. I thought you could "take it"?

Ah-oh, smell that? Time to take that shower, babe? Send Helen Wheels too. She positively reeks with hypocrisy and vulgarity.

At Wednesday, November 16, 2005 10:53:00 AM, Blogger Shelly said...

you gonna soap up with me eh?

At Wednesday, November 16, 2005 11:59:00 AM, Blogger Drew Dallons said...

I love these Conservative blow-hards that spew out their propaganda, yet if you call them on it, or leave a disparaging comment on their blog... they delete you. Comment moderating (with the exception on killing spam) is for p*ssies.

At Wednesday, November 16, 2005 1:44:00 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

Drew, you coward - call me on it. I dare you.

At Wednesday, November 16, 2005 4:04:00 PM, Blogger Grandpa Eddie said...

Why is it that when liberals do the name calling thing it's called hate speech by the neocons/republicans, but when they do the same thing that's OK?

At Friday, November 18, 2005 8:58:00 AM, Blogger Mike M said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At Friday, November 18, 2005 9:02:00 PM, Blogger Mike M said...

Eddie... Name calling by anybody is childish, useless, and with sole purpose to offend, stir up anger, and destroy. Nothing is gained by it...doesn't matter whose side it comes from, I get just as irritated when Boortz refers to Hillary Clinton as "the Hildabeast" as I do when Helen Wheels calls George W Bush "Shrub". Grow up, all of makes me sick, yes, that's you too GOP.

I do find it amusing though that while drew says comment moderation is for pansies, he has moderation set on his own blog...or at least he did earlier today when I posted a comment. As for spam, word verification works just fine, and for what little slips it *really* that hard to delete it? Honestly...

Hypocricy is a post so soaked with vulgarity and hatred it's barely understandable as english, that talks about how "hateful" republicans are...It kind of makes you wonder if those people actually know what they're really saying...if they know what things like hate, racist, et al really mean?

At Saturday, November 19, 2005 5:11:00 AM, Blogger Grandpa Eddie said...

You say you hate it when people start doing the name calling thing. You want them all to grow up.

Maybe you should take some of your own advice to heart and stop doing it yourself.

Two examples: calling people "stupid", and "lying traitorous hack".

I see just as much...if not calling on the conservative side as I do on the liberal side.

At Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:32:00 AM, Blogger Drew Dallons said...

Woah... Mike. I've never moderated comments on my blog and moderation, to my knowledge, does not work correctly with the template I use. Either you are lying or you do not know how to use your computer correctly. You are welcome anytime to come argue your points though.

Weapons of Mass Distraction

At Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:35:00 AM, Blogger Mike M said...

Oh please...just go read Kos, Atrios, Helen Wheels, or your own site. and compare that to any prominent conservative site. But that's beside the point.

"stupid" is a characteristic meaning lacking in intelligence. It is an adjective, a descriptor, not a name. If I say for example, "John Kerry is stupid for thinking he could get away with his lies about Cambodia", it is not name calling, it is an analytical statement. When Helen says, "Shrub should be shot" she is name calling (ie, not refering to someone by their proper name or respectful nickname).

John Kerry is a lying (meaning he's a liar, who has lied, and does lie), traitorous (his lies have gotten his fellow soldiers tortured and killed for propaganda), hack (his ambitions are political and I don't think he cares what happens to America as long as he gets re-elected or elected President, or gets someone he likes elected). That is an argumentative statement.

Name calling would be, "The Poodle flew his groomer on his private jet instead of going to a local barbar shop"

Are you intelligent enough to understand the difference?

At Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:38:00 AM, Blogger Mike M said...

I'm not lying, look at your own page here

But it is possible that it doesn't work and you don't have it enabled, or the template doesn't implement it properly...

But the text is there, " Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."

At Saturday, November 19, 2005 11:36:00 AM, Blogger Drew Dallons said...

Mike M

An apology is in order. Moderation was turned on and I didn't realize it. Nor does Blogger moderation inform you when someone has posted comments. All comments now posted.

Open mouth, insert foot!

At Saturday, November 19, 2005 5:52:00 PM, Blogger Mike M said...

That makes sense... that sucks that it doesn't tell you. I hate it when features are poorly impemented. That's not Google's style. Oh well, I'm still gonna go buy some more stock ;)

At Thursday, December 01, 2005 2:33:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oooh, I'm vile and vulgar! YAY!

I'd rather have my vice be cussing than carmelizing Fallujans with white phosphorus, which EH must be behind as he supports the war and everything Bush does.

Yup. Cussing doesn't bother me. I consider it colorful language, as they used to say. I'm an adult, I can handle it :)

As for you rightwingers: You are more full of hate than anyone. I love it when you say we are. The irony is gorgeous.

In any case, actions DO speak louder than words. Liberals support individual rights and dislike killing. rightwingers love killing and hate cussing and would like the government to force their beliefs and religions on everyone.

I'll pic the former, thank you very much.


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