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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

White House and Gov. Staffers go back to school.

This week, the White House staffers had to take "ethics" class.
I had to let that one soak in for a second.
I would love to know exactly what they are being taught.
Are they learning how not to break laws and put other people at risk and be upstaning citizens, or are they just finding the loopholes into getting caught?
Maybe they are a little late. Try like 5 years late. These are grown men and women. Not teenagers. They should have known right from wrong before they got there.


At Wednesday, November 09, 2005 6:57:00 PM, Blogger Mike M said...

I'd like to know, just this once...what's the point? I suppose there must be some middle aged people who don't know right and wrong, but c'mon, as if a class is going to change anything? What a waste of time, effort and money....what is the point!?!?! Is Bush trying to make himself look good to Liberals? That's never going to work...Is he trying to say to Republicans, "look, I'm playing along" -- waste of time...seriously...what is it about politicians that makes them so...stupid? The most successful and effective politicians are those who are steadily, and unapolitgetically conservative and don't rush to appease everybody. That's the problem with France right now, they're trying so hard to not offend anybody, least of all the people who want them dead, they've reached the breaking point and caused the very thing they were trying to avoid. AYE!! Can I just go to sleep and wake up in 2009?


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