Going Once, Going Twice....Sold!!! Port security to the lowest bidder!!!

Well, I hope you are sitting down cause I am going to say something that might shock you....
Good for you Mr. Frist!
The Senator's remarks regarding the selling of our port security to the UAE based DPW are probably the most intelligent thing he has said in the last 5 years."The decision to finalize this deal should be put on hold until the administration conducts a more extensive review of this matter," said Frist. "If the administration cannot delay this process, I plan on introducing legislation to ensure that the deal is placed on hold until this decision gets a more thorough review."
Well done sir. Now, about your diagnosis via video of Terry Schiavo.....
Time for a story..
Once upon a time, I had this friend named....well, let's just call her "Tootie" in order to maintain her privacy....anyway. Tootie and I were friends for almost 20 years. And then Tootie became affiliated with a different kind of people. Again, protecting her identity, we will call those people "Temodracs"...anyway, since she has become "one of them," I never hear from her anymore. Not even comments on my blog. Nope, she saves all of her witty remarks and comments for the other "temodracs" and leaves me out in the cold. So boys and girls, the moral of this story is: Friends don't let friends become temodracs. :-)
And interestingly, Bush is now claiming that he knew nothing about the deal, despite digging his heels in last evening. Sheeesh...
Well I had a friend one time, lets call her Jo, who wouldn't let "family tradition" stand in the way of what is right and wrong.
She is still on my list of things I love (#16 to be exact, inbetween sixlets candy and U2 front man Bono).
Maybe one day she will grow out of it...until then, I don't care what her political affiliation. I just hope one day she wakes up and smells the bullshit of the republican party....
(BTW...my bf is a republican too....but I still shag him)
Well, at least I rank before Bono--I can totally understand the sixlets coming before me though....a girl has to have her priorities in order and chocolate truly comes first.Luff ya
I absolutely love the pic of the handholding. It's worth 1000 words indeed.
Shelly my husband is a card-carrying member of the Repubes..so I know what you mean.
Even Dennis Hasterts fat ass is against the port deal..he said so here in my little burgh Sat. nite whilst attending a Bill "dipshit" Thomas fund raiser.
First time I have agreed w/Hastert and Bill"sell my stocks now" Frist.
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