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Friday, November 03, 2006

More Haggard...

I just can't stop laughing at this story!! It just shows the emense hypocrisy of the Republican Right Winged nut jobs out there.
Here are some funnies from the Huffington post....

"Before you called the ManHo for a hummer Pastor, did you ask yourself, "What would Jesus do?"

"When he was with this guy, he was only seeking "the naked truth" and "the bare facts". He knows that his denial is "difficult to swallow," and that this "hole" thing "leaves a bad taste in your mouth". . . . but I am NOT going to tell the joke about the difference between a refrigerator and Ted Haggart ! NOPE ! WON'T DO IT ! DON'T EVEN BOTHER ASKING !"

"NO, Brother Haggard, we are NOT going replace the hymns with a Village People medley . . . . "

"Rev. Dr. Ted Haggard: "Mike Jones and I had sex for three years. AND BOY IS MY _ _ _ _ TIRED." . . . ha ha . . . funny, NO ?"

"Indiscretions??? Indiscretions???The rest of the gay population is going to Hell for eternity, but the good Pastor has indiscretions?? Wow!!"

"As a gay man myself, I can honestly say that I never saw Mr. Haggard at any of the frequent meetings we queers have to plot the gay agenda.However, we do have this happenin' back room where it is possible Mr. Haggard spent most of his time.... "

"Is Rev. Dobson behind Rev. Haggard?" chuckle..


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